The minimum width (W) of a driveway apron should be 9 feet (exclusive of side slopes) in Agricultural “A” and Residential “R” zones and 12 feet on Commercial “C”, Manufacturing “M”, Parking “P”, and Parking Building “PB” zones. The maximum should be 18 feet in “A” and "R” zones and 30 feet in “C”, “M”, “P”, and “PB” zones per LAMC Section 62.105.2.
Not less than 20 feet of full-height curb should be retained between driveways located to serve the same lot. Not less than 20 feet of continuous curb space should be retained in front of each lot for which the street frontage of the property served is greater than 40 feet. Where such frontage is 40 feet or less, continuous curb space equal to one half the length of the frontage should be retained in front of each lot. However, this provision should not be applied to prevent the construction of one driveway per lot having a width of 9 feet in “A” and “R” zones and 12 feet in “C”, “M”, “P”, and “PB” zones. Where driveways serving separate lots are located that at least 2 feet of full-height curb separating the driveways cannot be constructed, the two driveways should be merged into one. If a permit is involved, any exceptions should be noted on the permit.
Driveway approaches shall be constructed so as to accommodate a 2 1/2 percent upward slope from the top of the existing or proposed curb, or if none then from a point determined by the City Engineer.
Consideration will be given to the potential use of the property. Commercial driveway construction is required to serve all commercially zoned property. Where property is to be used for commercial or industrial use, care should be taken to limit the total length of driveways to a reasonable distance. For all property frontages of over 50 feet, the total length of driveways should not exceed 60 percent of the frontage. For frontages of less than 50 feet, one 30-foot-wide driveway may be permitted.
E 533.1 Request for Deviations from Driveway Width, Spacing, and Slope Requirements
Per LAMC Section 62.105.5, any person desiring permission to deviate from the requirements for driveway widths, spacing, and slope of approaches may file a written request to the Board of Public Works including justification. The Board may grant deviations provided that the following conditions are met:
- That the deviation requested arises from unusual or extraordinary physical conditions, or is necessary to permit the proper and lawful development and use of the applicant’s property;
- That the granting of the deviation requested will not be contrary to the public safety, convenience and general welfare;
- That the granting of the deviation will not adversely affect the rights of adjacent property owners or tenants; and
- That the specific application of the above-mentioned provisions would create unnecessary hardship in the development or use of the property.
These decisions on deviations shall be in writing and shall specify the conditions and terms upon which they are granted.