E 710 Construction Control

The control of construction discussed in this section pertains primarily to street design projects which are contracted by the City. City control of street projects involves many City Bureaus, each having specific duties and responsibilities within the scope of the contract:

  1. Bureau of Contract Administration—Inspects construction materials and workmanship and enforces compliance with the contract documents. See Section E 722, Contract Documents.
  2. (Bureau of Standards — Samples and tests all materials incorporated into the work.)1
  3. Bureau of Engineering — Many Divisions are involved:
    1. Survey Division — Provides the surveys required for construction (for City awarded contracts only).
    2. Utility and Estimating Division — Notifies the owners of public utilities of needed relocations of their facilities.
    3. Coordinating Division — Negotiates supplementary agreements, processes change orders, negotiates extra work costs, etc.
    4. A Design Division or District— Makes necessary design changes and decides on the intent of the contract documents. See Section E 722, Contract Documents.


  1. The text in parenthesis is from the legacy Street Design Manual text and is no longer in use.