E 230 Street Improvement Policies
It is the intent of the City that whenever a street is to be improved, complete street improvements should be installed where feasible whether a project is initiated by a public agency or by a private party.
Complete street improvements should include the following:
- Full width right of way.
- Full-width pavement.
- Concrete curbs and gutters.
- Concrete sidewalks.
- Street lighting (including continuous underground conduit, cable, and electroliers).
- Street trees.
- Traffic control facilities (including traffic signals, warning devices, and channelization at intersections).
- Storm drainage facilities.
- Sanitary sewer facilities.
- Fire hydrants.
- Landscaping.
- Guard rails, barricades, fences, and other items necessary for safety.
- Retaining walls and other necessary structures.
- Railroad crossing protective facilities.
- Street name signs.
- Water service.
- Underground utilities.
- Other necessary appurtenances (miscellaneous).
Any item may be eliminated from an improvement project, if the item would not contribute to the safety or welfare of the community, or if unusual conditions make its installation impractical or unnecessary. The additional cost of any facility desired by property owners more than normal City standards should be paid for by the property.
Arterial streets will usually be improved by private development (see Section E 231, Private Development) or as a capital improvement project (see Subsection E 232.1, Capital Improvement Projects); however, project financing may be expedited by initiation of assessment proceedings (see Subsection E 232.2, Assessment Projects). Local streets are generally improved by private development (see Section E 231) or under assessment proceedings (see Subsection E 232.2, Assessment Projects).