E 531 Types of Driveway Pavements

Revised on 09-24-2024

Driveways are constructed of either concrete or asphalt concrete pavement. Concrete is used for permanent construction in fully improved streets. Asphalt concrete pavement may be used in unimproved or partially improved streets under the following circumstances:

  1. When used for:
  • Temporary access or construction, such as bypasses or detours.
  • Unimproved streets when there is little likelihood of their being improved soon.
  • Temporary widening of improved streets until such time as they are widened to their ultimate width.

(When driveways are paved or permits issued for driveway construction under these circumstances, the City may require a signed waiver from the involved property owner. Since the driveways are considered temporary and the permits are usually made revocable, the driveway may be eliminated, or the pavement may be removed and replaced with concrete pavement. This may be done at the request of the City, such as when other permanent street improvements are constructed that require the use of concrete pavement as previously indicated, or under permits, at the property owners request.)

  1. Where the street has existing asphalt shoulders or berms, or where either is designated for construction in lieu of concrete curb.
  2. Where asphalt driveways have been constructed between the curb or edge of pavement and the property line on most properties in the block.
  3. Where unusually wide parkways have existing sidewalks or indicate a proposed sidewalk at a relatively large distance from the property line. Asphalt driveways may be constructed between the back of the existing or proposed sidewalk and the property line.
  4. Where abrupt slopes exist between the curb and the property line, and the likelihood of future sidewalk construction appears remote.