E 510 Alleys
The discussion of alleys is divided into two parts. One deals with the desirable design criteria to be used in new subdivisions or undeveloped areas to be improved; the other covers the absolute minimum standards that may have to be used in connection with the improvement of existing alleys abutting existing improvements.
The use of design criteria as presented in this section should be confined within the maximum and minimum limits as specified for the various geometric and structural components of the alley. The use of absolute maximum and minimum design criteria or criteria not indicated as City standards may be permitted at the discretion of the Division or District Engineer. (It is suggested that the designer become familiar with those portions of Section E 020B, Standard Specifications, 1970 Edition, that deal with alley construction practices, as well as Figures E 113, Standard Street Dimensions; E 631.1, Types of Curb and Gutter; and E 616.1B, Alley Intersections.)1 It is suggested that the reader review portions of Brown Book Supplement that deal with alley construction practices as well as the Standard Street Dimensions (Standard Plan S-470-1) and Subsection E 631.1, Permanent Curbs; and Figure E 616.1B, Alley Intersections below.
- The text in parenthesis is from the legacy Street Design Manual text and has been superseded by the text that follows.