E 120 Definitions
These keywords and concepts pertain to the Street Design Manual.
ABANDONMENT - Cessation of the City's use of right of way or activity thereon with no intention to reclaim or use again for highway purposes. Officially; called "VACATION."
ABSTRACT OF TITLE - A document showing the condensed history of the titles to a particular piece of -property, containing portions of all conveyances or other pertinent instruments relating to the estate or interest in the property, and all liens, charges, encumbrances, and releases.
ACCESS RIGHTS - These are secondary property rights which entitle the owner access to the abutting streets.
ACQUISITION - The process of obtaining right of way. Sometimes called TAKING.
ACTUAL DAMAGES - As opposed to indirect damage; that is, the value of real property taken such as so many square feet of lot, parking area, etc.
ADVERSE POSSESSION - The act of an occupant of land in acquiring title against the real owner where possession has been actual, continuous, hostile, visible, notorious, exclusive and distinct for the statutory period. The possession must be actual and exclusive; open and notorious. It must be continuous for the period required by statute. The time of possession of one adverse claimant may be added to that of successive adverse claimants, provided there is private of estate as between such claimants (see PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHTS).
ALLEY - A narrow roadway behind buildings for the exclusive use of those buildings. ANGLE OF TURN - The angle through which a vehicle travels in making a turn.
APPRAISAL - (1) An estimate and opinion of value; or (2) Usually a written statement of the market value as defined by the appraiser of an adequately described parcel of property as of a specific date.
APPROACH NOSE - An end on an island, or neutral area between roadways which faces approaching traffic.
ARTERIAL HIGHWAY - A general term denoting a highway primarily for through traffic, usually on a continuous route. This is termed as a major or secondary highway in the City of Los Angeles.
ASSESSMENT - (1) The valuation of property for taxation; also the value so assigned. (2) Non-recurring charges levied against property to meet some specific purpose.
AT-GRADE INTERSECTION - An intersection where all roadways join or cross at the same level.
AUXILIARY LANE - The portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way for parking, speed change, turning or other purposes supplemental to through traffic movement.
AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC - The average 24-hour volume is the total volume during a stated period divided by the number of days in that period. Unless otherwise stated, the period is 1 year. The term is commonly abbreviated ADT.
AVERAGE SPOT SPEED - The arithmetic mean of the speeds of all traffic or components thereof, at a specified point.
BACKFILL - Material used to replace, or the act of replacing material removed during construction; also, may denote material placed in excavations adjacent to structures, or the act of placing such material.
BASIC CAPACITY - The maximum number of passenger cars that could pass a given point on a lane or roadway during 1 hour under the most ideal roadway and traffic conditions that can be attained.
BELT HIGHWAY - An arterial highway for carrying traffic partially or entirely around an urban area or portion thereof. Also. called circumferential highway.
BIKE LANE - Part of a street or roadway designated and delineated for use of bicycle riders. Also, see BIKEWAY.
BIKE PATH - A separate roadway designated and delineated for use of bicycle riders. Also, see BIKEWAY.
BIKE ROUTE - A street identified as a bicycle facility by the standard BIKE ROUTE guide signing only. It is located in the traveled roadway with no special lane markings.
BIKEWAY - Part of a street or roadway or a separate roadway designated and delineated for bicycle riders.
BORDER - The area between the curb face and the adjacent property line of a roadway. If there is no curb, this same area is known as the "shoulder" in suburban localities. Also, see PARKWAY.
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION - An exemption from the requirements of CEQA for certain listed types of projects previously determined to not have a significant effect on the environment by the Secretary for Resources and the City Council.
CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act.
CERTIFICATE OF TITLE - A document based on a title search stating that title or interest in property is vested in a designated person and showing outstanding liens, charges, or other encumbrances.
CHANNELIZED INTERSECTION - An at-grade intersection in which traffic is directed into definite paths by curbed islands, painted islands or special painted lanes.
CLOVERLEAF - A four-legged interchange with right turn loops replacing left turns and with outer connections for right turns; or two-way ramps for these turns. A full cloverleaf has ramps for two turning movements in each quadrant.
COLLECTOR STREET - A street that carries an accumulation of traffic between local streets and an arterial highway.
COMPOSITION OF TRAFFIC - The composition or character of traffic, made by field check, is the percentage of trucks to total traffic during the design hour.
CONDEMNATION - The process by which property is acquired for highway purposes through legal proceedings under power of eminent domain.
CONSENT TO ENTER - The right to enter property and to do specific work for an improvement project, and the form which makes it possible.
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - Loss in value of a parcel, no portion of which is acquired, resulting from a public works improvement.
CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT - A temporary right or interest in the land of another which entitles the holder to specified uses of the land, or the land itself during construction.
CONTRACT - An agreement between two or more persons, to do or refrain from doing a particular act.
CONTROL OF ACCESS - The condition where the right of owners or occupants of abutting land to access, light, air, or view in connection with a highway is fully or partially controlled by public authority. See FULL CONTROL OF ACCESS and PARTIAL CONTROL OF ACCESS.
CONVEYANCE - A written instrument by which a title, estate, or interest in property is transferred.
CORNER CUT - The portion of property taken off the property corner at an intersection of streets for the purpose of building a curb return.
CORNER INFLUENCE - The value effect of location at, or in proximity to, the intersection of two streets. The increment of value resulting from such location or proximity.
COST OF REPLACEMENT - (1) The cost that would be incurred in acquiring an equally desirable replacement property. (2) The cost of construction, on the basis of current prices, of a property having utility equivalent to the one under appraisement. It may or may not be a duplicate of the original property. (3) The cost of replacing unit parts of the structure to maintain it in the highest economic operating condition.
COST OF REPLACEMENT LESS DEPRECIATION - The cost of replacement new at current prices less a deduction for depreciation. The deduction for depreciation is the loss in value arising from physical, functional, and economic causes.
COST OF REPRODUCTION - The cost of constructing an exact duplicate or replica using materials of equivalent age and condition, and the same construction standards, design, layout, and quality of workmanship.
CROSS CONNECTION - A connecting roadway between two nearby and generally Parallel roadways.
CROSS SECTION - A view cutting through the roadway at right angles to the center line showing the relationship of the various components of the roadway.
CUL-DE-SAC STREET - A local street open at one end only and with special provision for turning around at the closed end.
CURB LOADING ZONE - Roadway space adjacent to a curb and reserved for exclusive use of vehicles during loading or unloading of passengers or property.
DAMAGES - The value of real property, personal property, and/ or secondary rights lost as a result of a public works improvement or proceeding.
DEAD-END STREET - A local street open at one end only without special provision for turning around.
DEDICATION - (a) The setting apart by the owner and acceptance by the public of property for highway uses in accordance with statutory or common law requirements. To further amplify the definition of this term, the right or use of the property is usually acquired on a voluntary basis and compensation for such right or use may or may not be involved; (b) Commonly used for all of the right of way of a street even though some of the property may have been acquired by condemnation.
DEED - A duly attested written instrument, conveying real property or interest therein.
DEMOLITION - Controlled destruction and removal of public or private improvements including foundations, footings, and basements between limits specified on the plans and specifications. It may also include backfilling all voids per the Standard Specifications to the subgrade of the proposed improvement or to the grade of the existing surroundings.
DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE - A well-graded aggregate containing a relatively small percentage of voids.
DENSITY - The number of vehicles per mile on the traveled way at a given instant.
DEPRECIATION - A loss in value brought about by deterioration through ordinary wear and tear, action of the elements, or functional or economic obsolescence.
DESIGN CAPACITY - The number of vehicles that can pass over a given section of roadway in one direction during 1 hour under specified traffic conditions, operating at a specified level of service. This definition, to replace "practical capacity," was adopted by the Highway Research Board in 1962.
DESIGN SPEED - A speed determined for design and correlation of the physical features of a highway that influence vehicle operation. It is the speed that can be maintained over a specified section of highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern.
DESIGN VEHICLE - A selected motor vehicle whose weight, dimensions, and operating characteristics are used to establish highway design controls to accommodate vehicles of a designated type.
DESIGN VOLUME - A volume determined for use in design, representing traffic expected to use the highway. Unless otherwise stated, it is an hourly volume.
DIAMOND INTERCHANGE - A four-legged interchange with a one-way ramp in each quadrant. All left turns are made directly on the minor highway.
DIRECT COMPENSATION - Payment for land or interest in land and improvements actually acquired for highway purposes. Sometimes called DIRECT DAMAGES.
DIRECT CONNECTION - A one-way turning roadway entering onto a highway which does not require a Stop.
DIRECTIONAL INTERCHANGE - An interchange, generally having more than one highway grade separation, with direct connections for the major left turn movements.
DIVIDED HIGHWAY - A highway with separated roadways for opposing traffic.
EASEMENT - A right or interest in the land of another which entitles the holder thereof to some specific use, privilege, or benefit out of. under or over such land, or the land itself.
EMINENT DOMAIN - The right or power of the government to take property for public use with just compensation therefor.
ENCROACHMENT - A structural occupation of property without acquisition of title.
ENVIRONMENT - The totality of conditions which exist within the area which will be affected by a proposed project, including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and of historic or aesthetic significance.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) - A concise statement setting forth the environmental effects and considerations pertaining to a project as specified in the California Environmental Quality Act.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) - Same as above except it conforms to National Environmental Policy Act.
ESTABLISHED STREET GRADE - Elevations of improvements shown on a City Engineer's plan; or established by City ordinance.
EXPRESSWAY - A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separations at intersections.
FEE SIMPLE - An absolute estate or ownership in property. Also, called FEE TITLE. FEE TITLE - See FEE SIMPLE.
FIXED DELAY - Delay caused by traffic controls.
FIXED OBJECT - Anything attached to the ground in or near the roadway that may present a hazard to out of control vehicles.
FLARED INTERSECTION - An unchannelized intersection or a divided highway intersection without islands other than medians, where the traveled way of any intersection leg is widened or an auxiliary lane added.
FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT - A pavement structure which maintains intimate contact with and distributes loads to the subgrade and depends upon aggregate interlock, particle friction, and cohesion for stability.
FOUR-LEGGED INTERSECTION - An intersection with four legs; as where two highways cross.
FREEWAY - A toll free expressway with full control of access and without any crossings at grade.
FRONTAGE STREET - A local street auxiliary to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access. Also, known as FRONTAGE ROAD.
FULL CONTROL OF ACCESS - This means that the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic by providing access connections with selected public roads only, and by prohibiting crossings at grade and direct private driveway connections. See CONTROL OF ACCESS and PARTIAL CONTROL OF ACCESS.
FUTURE STREET - A proposed street on which the owner has given an IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE when the street is improved.
GENERAL BENEFIT - Advantage accruing from a given highway improvement to a community as a whole; applying to all property similarly situated.
GRADE SEPARATION - A crossing of two highways or a highway and a railroad, at different levels.
GRANT DEED - Conveys the fee title to the land.
GUARANTEE TITLE - A title, the validity of which is insured by an abstract, title, or indemnity company. Sometimes, called INSURED TITLE.
GUIDELINES - Los Angeles City Guidelines to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970.
HEADWAY - The time interval between passages of consecutive vehicles moving in the same direction past a given point.
HIGHEST AND BEST USE - The most productive use, reasonable but not speculative or conjectural, to which property may be put in the near future.
HIGHWAY - A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including, the entire area within the right of way. (Recommended usage: in urban areas - highway or street; in rural areas - highway or road.)
INTERCHANGE - A grade-separated intersection with one or more turning roadways for travel between intersection legs.
INTERCHANGE RAMP - A turning roadway at an interchange for travel between intersection legs.
INTERSECTION - The general area where two or more highways join or cross, within which are included the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements in that area.
INTERSECTION ANGLE - The angle between two intersection legs.
INTERSECTION ENTRANCE - That part of the intersection leg for traffic entering the intersection.
INTERSECTION EXIT - That part of an intersection leg for traffic leaving the intersection.
INTERSECTION LEG - Any one of the highways radiating from and forming part of an intersection. The common intersection of two highways crossing each other has four legs.
INVERSE CONDEMNATION - The principle under which a property owner may claim compensation for loss of value of its property as a result of highway improvement proceedings.
IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE - A recorded document offering to dedicate a street easement that is not needed now but may be at some future date.
ISLAND - A defined area between traffic lanes for control of vehicle movements or for pedestrian refuge. Within an intersection. a median or an outer separation is considered an island.
JUST COMPENSATION - A full and fair equivalent for the loss sustained by the owner as a result of the acquisition and/or devaluation of private property for or by public works improvements.
LEASE - A contract between an owner and a tenant setting forth conditions upon which tenant may occupy and use the property and the terms of the occupancy.
LEVEL OF SERVICE - The quality of service provided by a specified type of highway. The quality of service should be based on the following factors: speed and travel time, traffic interruptions, freedom-to-maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience, and operational costs.
LICENSE - A personal and revocable permission or authority to enter upon or use the land of another for a particular purpose.
LOAD FACTOR - A ratio of the total number of green signal intervals that are fully utilized by traffic during the peak hour to the total number of green intervals for that intersection approach during the same period.
LOCAL STREET - A street or road, primarily for access to residential, business, or other abutting property. Also, known as LOCAL ROAD.
MAJOR HIGHWAY - Same as MAJOR STREET, but in suburban areas.
MAJOR STREET - An arterial street usually with intersections at-grade and direct access to abutting property, on which geometric design and traffic control measures are used to expedite the safe movement of through traffic. Also known as MAJOR HIGHWAY.
MARKET VALUE - The highest price for which property can be sold on the open market by a willing seller to a willing purchaser with both exercising reasonable judgment.
MEDIAN - The portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
MEDIAN TRAVERSABLE LANE - A speed-change lane within the median to accommodate left turning vehicles from either direction
MEDIAN OPENING - A gap in a median provided for crossing and turning traffic.
METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION - A description of a parcel of land by reference to the courses (bearings i.e., the angles east or west of due north or due south) and distances (usually in feet or chains) of each line which forms its boundary, with one of the corners tied to an established point. If one part of the boundary is on a curve, this part is described by showing the number of degrees of the central angle subtended by the curve arc, the direction of curvature, the length of the radius, and the length along the curve.
MINIMUM TURNING PATH - The path of a designated point on a vehicle making its sharpest turn.
MINIMUM TURNING RADIUS - The radius of the minimum turning the outside of the outer front tire. (Vehicle manufactured books give minimum turning radius to the center line of turning radius of the outer front tire.)
MULTILEG INTERSECTION - An intersection with five or more legs.
NEGATIVE DECLARATION - A statement required by CEQA briefly setting forth the reasons why a project, although not otherwise exempt, will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
NEGOTIATION - The process by which property is sought to be acquired for highway purposes through discussion, conference, and final agreement upon the terms of a voluntary transfer of such property.
NEPA - National environmental Policy Act.
OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE - A well-graded aggregate containing little or no fines, with a large percentage of voids.
OPERATIONAL DELAY - Delay caused by interference between components of traffic.
OPTION - A written agreement granting a privilege to acquire property or interest therein at a fixed price within a specified period.
ORDER FOR POSSESSION - The right to occupy property for highway purposes, after preliminary steps for acquisition have been taken and before final settlement.
OUTER CONNECTION - A one-way turning roadway, primarily, for a right turn movement. It may include provision for a left turn at a terminal to accommodate another turning movement.
OUTER SEPARATION - The portion of an arterial highway between the traveled ways of a roadway for through traffic and a frontage street or road.
OVER-ALL TRAVEL SPEED - The speed over a specified section of highway, being the distance divided by over-all travel time. The average for all traffic, or component thereof, is the summation of distances divided by the summation of over-all travel times.
OVER-ALL TRAVEL TIME - The time of travel, including stops and delays, except those off the traveled way.
OVERCROSSING - A grade separation where the highway passes over an intersecting highway. OVERPASS - A grade separation where the highway passes over an intersecting railroad.
PARKING LANE - An auxiliary lane primarily for the parking of vehicles.
PARKWAY - (a) An arterial highway with full or partial control of access, usually located within a park or a ribbon of similar development; (b) The unpaved portion of the border between the front of the sidewalk and the curb; or (c) The unpaved portion of the border between the back of the sidewalk and the adjacent property line.
PARTIAL CONTROL OF ACCESS - This means that the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic to a degree that in addition to access connections with selected public road, there may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections. See CONTROL OF ACCESS and FULL CONTROL OF ACCESS.
PARTIAL TAKING - The acquisition of a portion of a parcel of property.
PARTY WALL - A wall erected upon and over a line which separates two properties and in which the respective owners have common rights of use.
PASSENGER VEHICLE - Any motor vehicle, other than a motor truck or truck tractor, designed for carrying not more than ten persons (including the driver) and used or maintained for transportation of persons. The term PASSENGER VEHICLE includes a motor home.
PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE - The minimum sight distance that must be available to enable the driver of one vehicle to pass another vehicle safely and comfortably (10 MPH slower than design speed) without interfering with the speed of an oncoming vehicle traveling at the design speed should it come into view after the overtaking maneuver is started.
PEAK-HOUR - The 1 hour period during which the most traffic is counted during a 24-hour day at one particular location.
PEAK-HOUR FACTOR - The peak-hour factor is a measure of consistency of demand. For intersections it is defined as the ratio between the number of vehicles counted during the peak- hour and four times the number of vehicles counted during the highest 15 consecutive minutes. A separate peak-hour factor must be computed for each approach leg to the intersection. The peak- hour factor reflects variations in peaking characteristics of approach roadways and provides a means of more accurately evaluating their operating characteristics.
PERMIT - A temporary, revocable, and nontransferable license which gives one permission to do something, without which one would be a trespasser.
PERSONAL PROPERTY - In a broad and general sense, everything that is subject to ownership, not coming under the denomination of real estate. A right or interest in things personal, or right or interest less than a freehold in realty, or any right or interest which one has in things movable.
POLICE POWER - The inherent right of a government to pass such legislation as may be necessary to protect the public health and safety and to promote the general welfare. The control by the State, under which public welfare is served and to which property rights are subject.
POSSIBLE CAPACITY - The maximum number of vehicles that could pass a given point on a lane or roadway during 1 hour under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.
PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHTS - An easement which may be created without formal documentation by permissive acts of the owner over a specified period of years (e.g.; repaving a sidewalk area located on private property and allowing the public to use the sidewalk without restriction, limitation, or other obstruction). See ADVERSE POSSESSION.
PRIVATE STREET - A street that has not been dedicated to the City.
QUITCLAIM DEED - A deed (or interest of uncertain validity) conveying, without warranty, any title, interest, or claim which the grantor may have in the property conveyed.
RADIAL HIGHWAY - An arterial highway leading to or from an urban center.
REAL PROPERTY - Land, and generally whatever is erected or growing upon or affixed to that land.
REMAINDER - The portion of a parcel retained by the owner after a part of such parcel has been acquired.
REMNANT - A remainder of a property taking action, so small or irregular that it usually has little or no economic value to the owner.
REVERSION - The right to repossess and resume the full and sole use and proprietorship of real property which temporarily has been alienated by lease, easement or otherwise. The reversion right becomes effective at a stated time or under certain conditions such as the termination of a leasehold, etc., according to the terms of the controlling instrument.
RIGHT OF ACCESS - The right of ingress to a highway from abutting land and egress from a highway to abutting land. See CONTROL OF ACCESS.
RIGHT OF ENTRY - The right to enter and use property to do specific work or construction and the form which makes it possible.
RIGHT OF WAY - A general term denoting land, property or interest therein, usually in a strip acquired for or devoted to a Public Works projects.
RIGHT OF WAY APPRAISAL - A professional determination of the market value of property, including damages (if any), as of a specified date, resulting from an analysis of facts.
RIGHT OF WAY ESTIMATE - An approximation of the market value of property, including damages (if any), in advance of an appraisal.
RIGID PAVEMENT - A pavement structure which distributes loads to the subgrade, having as one course a portland cement concrete slab of relatively high bending resistance.
RIPARIAN RIGHTS - The rights of a person owning land containing or bordering on a watercourse or other body of water in or to its banks, bed, or waters.
ROADBED - The graded portion of a highway within the top and side slopes, upon which the base course, surface course, shoulders, and median are constructed.
ROADSIDE CONTROL - The public regulation of the roadside to improve highway safety, expedite the free flow of traffic, safeguard present and future highway investment, conserve abutting property values, or preserve the attractiveness of the landscape.
ROADWAY - The portion of a street, including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided highway has two or more roadways. In construction specifications, the portion of a highway within the limits of construction.
ROTARY INTERSECTION - A channeled intersection in which traffic moves counterclockwise on a one way roadway around a center island.
RUNNING SPEED - The speed over a specified section of highway, being the distance divided by the running time. The average for all traffic or component thereof, is the summation of distances divided by the summation of running times.
RUNNING TIME - The time the vehicle is in motion.
SECONDARY RIGHTS - In general these are the rights (other than to water and natural elements) above, on and below the surface of the land.
SECONDARY STREET - A lesser arterial street with intersections usually at-grade, with direct access to abutting property and on which geometric design and traffic control measures are used to expedite the safe movement of through traffic. Also known as a SECONDARY HIGHWAY.
SERVICE VOLUME - The maximum number of vehicles that can pass over a given section of a lane or roadway during a specified time period while operating conditions are maintained that correspond to the selected or specified level of service.
SETBACK LINE - A line marking the closest distance from the street right of way that buildings may be erected.
SEVERANCE DAMAGES - Loss in value of the remainder of a parcel resulting from an acquisition. Sometimes, called INDIRECT DAMAGES
SHOULDER - The area between the traveled roadway and the adjacent right of way limit line. It represents the same area as the BORDER where there is no curb at the edge of the traveled roadway.
SIDEWALK - The portion of the roadway primarily for the use of pedestrians.
SIGHT DISTANCE - The length of roadway visible to the driver of a passenger vehicle at any given point on the roadway when the view is unobstructed.
SIGHT LINE EASEMENT - An easement for maintaining or improving the SIGHT DISTANCE. SIGNIFICANT EFFECT - A significant effect is a substantial adverse impact on the environment. SKEW ANGLE - The supplement of the acute angle between two center lines which cross.
SLOPE EASEMENT - An easement for cuts and fills.
SPECIAL BENEFIT - Advantage accruing from a given improvement to a specific property and not to others generally.
SPEED - The rate of movement of a vehicle, generally expressed in miles per hour.
STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE - The distance required by a driver of a vehicle, traveling at a given speed, to bring the vehicle to a stop after an object on the roadway becomes visible.
SUBBASE - The layer or layers of specified or selected material of designed thickness placed on a subgrade to support a base course.
SUBGRADE - The top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement structure and shoulders are constructed.
"T" INTERSECTION - An intersection with three legs, having two legs in a straight line and the third leg intersecting at an angle between 75 degrees and 105 degrees.
THIRTIETH HIGHEST HOURLY VOLUME - The hourly volume that is exceeded by 29 hourly volumes during a designated year. (Corresponding definitions apply to any other highest hourly volumes, as tenth, twentieth, etc.)
THREE-LEGGED INTERSECTION - An intersection with legs in three directions.
TITLE - The evidence of a person's right to property or the right itself.
TITLE SEARCH - An investigation of public records and documents to ascertain the history and present status of title to property, including ownership, liens, charges, encumbrances, and other interests.
TRAVELED WAY - The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles. exclusive of shoulders.
TRUCK COMBINATIONS - A truck tractor and a semitrailer, either with or without a full trailer, or a truck with one or more full trailers.
TURNING MOVEMENT - The traffic making a designated turn at an intersection. TURNING PATH - The path of a designated point on a vehicle making a specified turn.
TURNING ROADWAY - A connecting roadway for traffic turning between two intersection legs.
TURNING TRACK WIDTH - The radial distance between the turning paths of the outside of the outer front tire and the outside of the rear tire which is nearest the center of the turn.
UNCHANNELIZED INTERSECTION - An at-grade intersection without painted islands, curbed islands or special painted lanes for directing traffic into definite paths.
UNDERCROSSING - A grade separation where the highway passes under an intersecting highway.
UNDERPASS - A grade separation where the highway passes under an intersecting railroad.
VOLUME - The number of vehicles passing a given point during a specified period of time.
WEAVING - The crossing of traffic streams moving in the same general direction, accomplished by merging and diverging.
WEAVING SECTION - A length of one-way roadway, designed to accommodate weaving, at one end of which one-way roadways merge and at the other end of which they separate.
WIDTH OF APPROACH - The total width of approach pavement of through traffic in one direction (not necessarily the number of traffic lanes). This width excludes any separate lanes reserved exclusively for right or left turns, either with or without separate signal phases.
WITHDRAWN FROM PUBLIC USE - A street removed from public use by the City Council, but not vacated. It may be returned to public use by Council action.
"Y" INTERSECTION - A three-legged intersection having one of the intersecting legs approximating the prolongation of the direction of approach and the third leg intersecting this prolongation at an angle less than 75 degrees or greater than 105 degrees.
ZONING - The division of an area into districts, and the public regulation of the character and intensity of use of the land and improvements thereon.