- Gen.Pet.: General Petroleum Corporation of California
- Gen.Pipe: General Pipe Line Company
- GOC: Getty Oil Company
- G.T.: General Telephone
- Ind. Fuel: Industrial Fuel Company
- Inv. W.: Investment Water Company
- JPC: Julian Petroleum Corporation
- LACSD: Los Angeles County Sanitation District
- LAFD: (Los Angeles Dept. General Services)1 Los Angeles Fire Department
- LAG: Los Angeles Gas Company (SCG)
- LAG & E: Los Angeles Gas and Electric Company (SCG & DWPPS)
- LAI & CSCo.: Los Angeles Ice and Cold Storage Company
- LAMP: Los Angeles Midway Pipe Line Company
- (LA Ry: Los Angeles Railway (SCRTD))2
- (LATL: Los Angeles Transit Lines (SCRTD))2
- (LAWD: Los Angeles Water Department (DWPWS))1LADWP: Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
- MO: : Mobil Oil Corporation
- M
TA: Los Angeles County3 Metropolitan Transit Authority (SCRTD) - MWD: Metropolitan Water District
- NEPA: National Environmental Protection Agency
- PAP: Pan American Petroleum Company (ARCO)
- PCA: Portland Cement Association
- PERy: Pacific Electric Railway Company (SCRTD)
- PGC: Producers Gasoline Company (SCG)
- PLC: Pacific Light Corporation
- PMC: Petroleum Midway Company
- PMO: Petroleum Midway
- PPC: Phillips Petroleum Company
- PT&CCo: Postal Telegraph and Cable Company (WUT)
- PTT: Pacific Bell or Pacific Telesis
- PUT: Los Angeles Dept. of General Services
- Rich.: Oil Richfield Oil Corporation (ARCO)
- SCE: Southern California Edison Co
- SCG: Southern California Gas Co.
- SCoG: Southern Counties Gas Co. (SCG)
- SCRTD: Southern Calif. Rapid Transit Dist.
- SCT: Southern California Telephone Company (PTT)
- S CWC: Southern California Water Co
- SFC: Southern Fuel Company
- SO or Shell Oil: Shell Oil Co.
- SOG: Signal Oil and Gas Co.
- SP: Southern Pacific Co.
- SP Ry: Southern Pacific Railway Company
- SPTC: Southern Pacific Transportation Co
- Std. Oil or STO: Standard Oil Company
- STG: Standard Gas Co.
- TC: Theta Cable
- TI: Texaco, Inc.
- T S: Los Angeles Dept. of Transportation (traffic signal)
- UHC: Union Hollywood Water Company (DWPWS)
- UO: Union Oil Co. or Unocal
- UPRR: Union Pacific Railroad
- WGO: Western Gulf Oil Co.
- WUT: : Western Union Telegraph
- The text in parenthesis is from the legacy Street Design Manual text and has been superseded by the text that follows.
- The text in parenthesis is from the legacy Street Design Manual text and is no longer in use.
- The text has been added for clarity