The following are the most commonly used terms/words and their respective abbreviations.
- ACB: Asphalt concrete base
- ADT: Average Daily Traffic
- AFE: Authority for Expenditure
- A’11: 1911 Assessment Act, Streets and Highways Code
- APWA/AGC: American Public Works Association/ Associated General Contractor's Joint Cooperative Committee
- Blvd. or Bl.: Boulevard
- Board: Los Angeles Board of Public Works
- Bur.: Bureau
- C: Crown or Celsius
- Caltrans: California Department of Transportation
- CATV: Cable Television
- CD: Council District
- CE: City Engineer or County Engineer
- CEQA: California Environmental Quality Act
- CL or C/L: Center line
- Cfs: Cubic feet per second
- CIP: Capital Improvement Project
- CMP: Corrugated metal pipe
- Council: Los Angeles City Council
- DHV: Design hour volume
- Dist.: District
- Div.: Division
- D.M.: District map
- DOT: (FEDERAL) Department of Transportation
- EIR: Environmental Impact Report (CEQA)
- EIS: Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA)
- Elev.: Elevation
- Est.: Estimate
- EWL: Equivalent wheel load
- Exist: Existing
- FAP: Federal Aid Primary (Program)
- FAS: Federal Aid Secondary (Program)
- FAU: Federal Aid Urban (Program)
- FHWA: Federal Highway Administration
- Fps: Feet per second
- Ft.: Foot or feet
- Fwy.: Freeway
- GE: Equivalent thickness of gravel (total)
- GF: Gravel equivalent factor
- Gr. Ch.: Grade change
- Green Book: Standard Specification for Public Works Construction
- H: High or height
- ID: Improvement District or inside, diameter
- Impr: Improvement
- LADOT: Los Angeles City Department of Transportation
- Lin.: Linear
- MB: Map Book
- MC: Middle of curve
- MCR: Middle of curb return
- Min: Minutes or minimum
- Mun. Code: Los Angeles Municipal Code
- NEPA: National Environmental Protection Act
- OFP: Order For Possession
- OI: Ordinance of Intention
- OLC: Ornamental Lighting Conduit
- PI: Permanent Improvement
- Prod.: Produced
- Proj.: Project
- Prop.: Proposed or property
- Psf: Pounds per square foot
- Psi: Pounds per square inch
- PUC: Public Utilities Commission
- R: Radius or rate of grade (percent)
- RD: Roof drain
- Rdwy: Roadway
- Ret. Wall: Retaining wall
- S: Sight distance or slope
- SD: Sewer District
- Sec.: Seconds
- Sect.: Section
- SF: Safety factor
- SMB: Select material base
- SO: Special Order
- Sq.: Square
- St. Dr.: Storm Drain
- S'41: 1941 Ordinance of Improvements by Assessment
- TH: Test hole
- TI: Traffic index
- V: Velocity of flow
- WO: Work Order
- WS: Wearing surface or water surface
- WW: Wall-to-wall (out-to-out)
- Yd.: Yard or yards