E 732 Prior to Receiving Bids and After Advertising for Bids

Revised on 10-23-2024

All prospective bidders are entitled to whatever information the City has which will influence the cost of the job. Changes that will affect this cost and that are not in the bid proposal are frequently known well in advance of the receipt of bids by the City.

It is to the City’s advantage to see to it that any changes not shown on the plans or in the specifications should reach the prospective bidders before the bids are received. Changes made after they are received require the use of change orders and extra work prices, which often puts the City in  a disadvantageous bargaining  position.  If the contractor can show that the bid and extra work prices do not apply, the City may be forced into negotiation.  See Section 3-3 of the Standard Specifications, 1970 Edition, and Section E 020B.

E 732.1 Notification to Bidders

The proper way to convey changes prior to the City’s receiving bids is by means of:

  1. An Addendum — This is the most formal supplement to the Bid Proposal. This supplement requires Board action as well as the City Engineer’s signature. The changes usually materially alter the project construction costs.
  2. A Notice to Bidders — This is a somewhat less formal supplement and does not require Board action but does require the signature of the City Engineer or designee (usually the Utility and Estimating Division Engineer). This supplement usually does not materially alter the project construction costs.
  3. An Information to Bidders — This is the least formal supplement and does not require either a Board action or the signature of the City Engineer. It is used primarily to clarify and interpret differences in the bid documents. Also, there usually are no appreciable cost items involved.

The bid documents may require changes or clarification after a job has been advertised and before bids have been received by the City. In such a case, the engineer shall send complete information concerning these documents to the Utility and Estimating Division for writing and processing.