E 684 Aesthetic Considerations

Revised on 03-06-2025

Since large expanses of bare exposed slopes are unsightly and are subject to erosion, an effort should be made to cover them with vegetation or synthetic grass. See Subsection E 667.3, Landscaping. The proposed grading of slopes and its effect on adjacent trees and their root systems should be carefully evaluated. If possible, minor local grading modifications should be considered to avoid tree removal. See Section E 571.4, Tree Removals.

When feasible, contour grading should be used on the side slopes to provide a natural appearance. For example, long, uniform cut or fill sections appear unnatural. This effect can be modified somewhat by flattening the slopes on the ends where the cut or fill is light. The slope is gradually steepened as it approaches the controlling maximum slope of the heavier portion of the cut or fill.