E 581 Design Standards

Revised on 03-06-2025

The following conditions should govern the recommendations for private streets, including those private streets lying within subdivisions or condominium developments and those filed in conjunction with parcel maps:

  1. General — No private street should be approved unless the Division or District Engineer determines that due to problems of usage, topography, geology, property development, or other considerations the dedication of a public street would be unreasonable, impractical, or undesirable and there is no alternative to the private street.
  2. Future Public Street — If it is determined that the private street may become a part of the public street system in the area and that future dedication as a public street may be desirable, the width of the private road easement lying within the property should conform to the current standard street design appropriate for the anticipated use. See Section E 210, Street Classifications. In addition, the property owners should record an agreement to the effect that:
    1. They will join in any future dedication and improvement to the private street or alley as a public street or alley to the extent of their interest therein.
    2. They will do this either when the adjoining property owners agree to dedicate and improve or when requested by the City.
    3. Any subsequent sales of the property will be conditioned upon this agreement.
  3. Side Slopes — Adequate cut or Bill slopes conforming to standards which are acceptable for slopes adjacent to public streets should be provided as a part of the grading of the private street.
  4. Minimum Improvement — The minimum improvement of a private street, except  as covered in condition 7, below, should be as set forth in the LA Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article 7, Section 17.05E for alleys, including a roadway width of 20 feet, a 2-foot concrete longitudinal  gutter, and 4-inch thickness of asphalt concrete paving unless permitted or required by the City Engineer. Concrete curbs and gutters or extruded asphalt concrete curbs are required where safety or drainage is a factor. Guard rails and warning signs are required when deemed advisable for safety. These improvements will bring the street up to the standards required for use by City vehicles, such as fire engines, garbage trucks, etc.
  5. “B” Permit Requirement — This type of improvement should meet the requirements of the LA Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article 8, and should be constructed under “B” Permit in accordance with Section 18.05 of this article.
  6. Right of Entry — In the event that a private street is accompanied by an improvement bond, the property owner should record an agreement, to go with the land, granting the City or its  agents and the bond surety or its agents the right to enter upon any private property when necessary to complete any and all improvements in the private street in the event of default by the owner. The agreement should also contain a waiver of any damages which may result from the entry necessary to complete these improvements, and should be included as a statement in the certificate of dedication on the tract map or recorded as a separate instrument in the absence of a tract map. This grant of authority terminates upon completion of the improvements and their acceptance by the City. This agreement is not required in the absence of an improvement bond.
  7. Driveway Only — If the private street is approved only for driveway access to no more than two parcels, and will not be used by City vehicles, the improvement may be accomplished in accordance with the Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article 8, Section 12. 21, Subsections A4(h) and A6(d).
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