E 371 Flat Terrain

Revised on 09-03-2024

Terrain in which the average grade is 5 percent or less is considered flat.

E 371.1 Undeveloped Land

Land in its original condition, with no grading or manmade structures, is considered undeveloped.

  1. Drainage:
    1. In non-level land, drainage may not be an important factor and the importance of the design controls is usually determined by other factors.
    2. In extremely flat areas the most important design consideration is drainage.
  2. Where drainage is not critical, it is necessary to meet the street or highway design standards, as per street and highway classifications, for maximum design speed.
  3. It is necessary to join the unimproved property at a grade favorable to future development.

E 371.2 Developed Land

Land on which grading has been done for the purpose of constructing streets and structures is considered developed.

  1. As above, in nonlevel land, the drainage situation may not be a factor. However, in extremely flat areas, drainage consideration is even more important, due to the likely possibility of flood damage to improved property.
  2. Street or Highway Design Standards:
    1. In residential or suburban areas, meeting the highway design standards is most important except where drainage is critical.
    2. In the downtown central core or other highly developed districts, meeting the highway design standards and moving traffic are most important except where drainage is critical and right of way costs are prohibitive.
  3. Existing Improvements:
    1. In residential or suburban areas, meeting the existing improvements is important but less critical and costly than drainage or meeting the highway design standards.
    2. In highly developed areas, meeting the existing improvements is generally more critical than in suburban areas.