Capital Improvement Project Requests for streets and transportation facilities should normally be referred to the Street/Transportation Projects Oversight Committee (Technical Committee for Capital Programming)1. A project request maybe considered for immediate financing solely on its own merits under one or more of the following circumstances:
- The project is partially financed or otherwise previously authorized.
- There is an agreement, commitment, or coordination required with other agencies or projects.
- City financing is recommended in accordance with established policies or practices (such as City contributions to assessment projects, assistance to religions institutions, etc.).
- There are contemplated substantial cost savings.
- The project is relatively small (currently under $5,000) or nature that is not normally considered in the capital program.
- The project is of an emergency nature involving:
- The protection of life or health,
- The provision of safety measures, or
- The prevention of property damage.
- The protection of life or health,
- The text in parenthesis is from the legacy Street Design Manual text and is no longer in use.