E 231 Private Development

Revised on 03-13-2025

Ordinances and other regulations requiring improvements in connection with private development shall take precedence over other methods of providing improvements. The developer generally provides the indicated improvements under one of the following procedures:

E 231.1 Subdivision Ordinance

Items which may be required for installation or construction by this ordinance are:

  1. Dedication of right of way.
  2. Pavement.
  3. Curbs and gutters.
  4. Sidewalks.
  5. Street lighting.
  6. Street trees.
  7. Traffic warning and control devices (except traffic signals).
  8. Storm drains, flood control channels and facilities.
  9. Sanitary sewers.
  10. Fire hydrants.
  11. Guard rails, barricades, and safety devices.
  12. Retaining walls and other necessary structures.
  13. Street name signs.
  14. Water service.
  15. Underground utilities.
  16. Other necessary improvements.

E 231.2 Parcel Map Ordinance

Items which may be required for installation or construction by this ordinance are:

  1. Dedication of right of way.
  2. Pavement.
  3. Curbs and gutters.
  4. Sidewalks.
  5. Street lighting.
  6. Street trees.
  7. Traffic warning and control devices (except traffic signals).
  8. Fire hydrants.
  9. Street name signs.
  10. Other incidental improvements.

E 231.3 Highway Dedication and Improvement (R-3) Ordinance

This ordinance applies to major and secondary highway frontages only. Items may be required for installation or construction by this ordinance are:

  1. Dedication of right of way.
  2. Pavement.
  3. Curbs and gutters.
  4. Sidewalk.

No additional improvements are required where complete roadway, curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements exist.

E 232.4 Zone Changes and Conditional Uses

These are improvements required by tract map or determined by City departments. They generally include:

  1. Dedication of right-of-way.
  2. Pavement.
  3. Curbs and gutters.
  4. Sidewalks.
  5. Street lighting.
  6. Street trees.
  7. Traffic warning and control devices (including relocation of traffic signals).
  8. Fire hydrants.
  9. Appurtenant improvements.

E 231.5 Permit 

Improvements as may be desired by permittee and approved or as required by City departments.