Note: The information in this page is superseded by E 243 CADD Platforms and Standards as of March 7, 2025.
There are two types of electronic computer systems available for use: the Remote Access Terminal System and the Batch Processing System. Either system is recommended.
E 243.1 Remote Access Terminals
The Remote Access Terminal System uses remote terminals (located in the various design offices and connected to an IBM 360 Computer via telephone) and uses the “time-sharing principle.” The results are obtained at once.
The most useful programs available are:
- Traverse, engineering (trav, engr) – Solving traverse survey type problems.
- Vertical curve, engineering (vcurve, engr) — Solving vertical curves.
- Intersection, engineering (inter, engr) — Solving station intersection problems.
- Horizontal curve, engineering (hcurve, engr) — Calculating horizontal curve information.
Detailed information on the operation of the remote terminals is given in the IBM Terminal User’s Manual. A Catalog of Program Abstracts that will list all available programs is being prepared. Each office has, or will be furnished, the latest copies of the Manual and the Catalog.
E 243.2 Batch Processing
The Batch Processing System utilizes punched cards and the Data Service Bureau’s computer. From one to two days are required to obtain results. The chief advantage of this system is in making extensive, repetitive calculations. Programs like those listed in Subsection E 143.1 are available.
Detailed information concerning the use of either system may be obtained from the Systems Engineering Section of the Executive Division.