E 116 Other Reference Sources (Superseded)

Revised on 03-07-2025

Note: The information in this page is superseded by E 116 Other Reference Sources

Other sources from which material may be obtained are:

  1. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials:
    1. A policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways
    2. Acquisition for Right of Way
    3. A Policy on Arterial Highways in Urban Areas
    4. Transportation Glossary
  2. U.S. Department of Transportation
    1. Highway Capacity Manual, Practical Applications of Research
    2. Public Roads Magazine, a Journal of Highway Research
    3. Your Guide to Programs of the Federal Highway Administration (published by the FHWA)
  3. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (TRB):
    1. Highway Capacity Manual
    2. Channelization, the Design of Highway Intersections at Grade
  4. WATCHBOOK: Work Area Traffic Control Handbook 2019 - Fourteenth Edition
  5. State of California Regulatory Framework
    1. General Orders, Public Utilities California, State of California
    2. State of California, Department of Real Estate, Reference Book. 1969 Edition
    3. Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM)
  6. City of Los Angeles Regulatory Framework
    1. Highways and Freeways Plan - An Element of Plan of the City of Los Angeles
    2. Zoning Maps of the City of Los Angeles
    3. Bureau of Street Maintenance Manual of the City of Los Angeles
    4. Bureau of Contract Administration Los Angeles
    5. Bureau of Engineering Programs and Time Charges
    6. Five-Year Capital Program, City of Los Angeles
    7. Bureau of Engineering Special Orders and Memorandums
    8. City guidelines - Implementation of CEQA