Note: The information in this page is superseded by E 116 Other Reference Sources
Other sources from which material may be obtained are:
- AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials:
- A policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways
- Acquisition for Right of Way
- A Policy on Arterial Highways in Urban Areas
- Transportation Glossary
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- Highway Capacity Manual, Practical Applications of Research
- Public Roads Magazine, a Journal of Highway Research
- Your Guide to Programs of the Federal Highway Administration (published by the FHWA)
- Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (TRB):
- Highway Capacity Manual
- Channelization, the Design of Highway Intersections at Grade
- WATCHBOOK: Work Area Traffic Control Handbook 2019 - Fourteenth Edition
- State of California Regulatory Framework
- General Orders, Public Utilities California, State of California
- State of California, Department of Real Estate, Reference Book. 1969 Edition
- Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM)
- City of Los Angeles Regulatory Framework
- Highways and Freeways Plan - An Element of Plan of the City of Los Angeles
- Zoning Maps of the City of Los Angeles
- Bureau of Street Maintenance Manual of the City of Los Angeles
- Bureau of Contract Administration Los Angeles
- Bureau of Engineering Programs and Time Charges
- Five-Year Capital Program, City of Los Angeles
- Bureau of Engineering Special Orders and Memorandums
- City guidelines - Implementation of CEQA