In addition to the above-mentioned funds, there are several miscellaneous funds, which are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.
The Permanent Improvement (P.I.) Fund is used to finance the construction of portions of Select System streets that may not be eligible for gas tax funds. In addition, although local streets are generally improved with private capital, P.I. funds may be used to pay the cost of constructing portions of these streets. These portions may be considered more than local benefit, and the extra cost should not necessarily be assumed by the property owner. See Section E 233, Local Streets. In any case, improvements made with the use of these funds must have a life expectancy of at least ten years.
The General Fund is used where improvements must be made and money from the sources mentioned in Sections E 221, Gas Tax Funds and E 222, Private Funds are not available or eligible.
Other miscellaneous funds are the Traffic Safety Fund, the Public Works Trust Fund, the Subventions and Grants Fund, funds from various Bond Issues, etc. These are used for certain types of facilities required to complete street improvement projects when these facilities are not eligible for gas tax funds and must be financed by other capital.